Andrea C. Luna is an accredited Yoga and Meditation teacher based in Edinburgh, Scotland. After training in London and Australia, Andrea embarked on a living/teaching yoga journey around the world. Her background as a professional actor includes training in physical practices from Viewpoints to Grotowsky. Her passion for making movement accessible has inspired hundreds of students; she blends energising postures, breathing techniques, Yoga Nidra and meditation in a truly integral way. Andrea’s workshops are designed to cultivate awareness, tools for self-knowledge, inner calm and outer strength.

I love to be able to support all kinds of students. I sustain my inspiration by maintaining my own practice, integrating yogic tools in performing arts contexts, cycling, sailing and writing.



Diploma of Satyananda Yoga Training, Satyananda Yoga Academy of Australasia, NSW. 2½ years of full-time, government-accredited study (1440+ hours), 2012.

Master’s in Performance and Culture, Goldsmiths College, University of London.

Bachelor of English Literature, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Bachelor of Performing Arts, ENAT, National School of Performing Arts, (INBA).

Sometimes a simple thing can make a whole difference in your life